Thursday, September 13, 2012


"Try and do the best you can
Hold on and let Him hold your hand
And go on and fall into the arms of Jesus
Oh, lift your head it's gonna end
God's right there...
In time it's gonna get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger"

As I'm jogging uphill some thoughts came to me.

I love that eating better and this, this jog, will make me stronger.   Having a church has made me occurred to me that church isn't about the music, the building and the classrooms or the curriculum - all those are great and need to be in place but i love that we can just come.  theres no judgement or cliques. no certain bible studies you have to finish before being in leadership or be heard. we just are ourselves. flawed in our flesh and redeemed by a creator that is bigger than our egos or agendas.

During this morning walk/jog God's goodness and faithfulness hit me - now theres alot to complain about on my walk,  our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks just like a two-lane road and rocks. theres some streets with sidewalks in the newer developments but for a good while I'm walking on rocks and it's uneven.

 not comfortable or what Im used to. I'm afraid I might fall into the road and be struck by an  oncoming vehicle -ouch.  All the while i'm looking down at the ground.  Then I look up - and see a mama deer and her little one right in front of me!  As I stop to let them walk by, I see the sun shining through the trees,  the flowers and a hummingbird.

God is taking me through it.  It's not easy but He's always there, reminding me in his creation that he loves me, chose me, redeemed me.  This journey is not own,  my life is his story.  It's all His.

I don't expect a pat on the back or recognition.  In fact, it's a little uncomfortable for me now, 10 years ago, id be like - YES! Mel is here! See what I've done!!  Yes, there's times still where I'm like, "hey! wait a minute...what are we chopped liver?!"  I can't stand it when those I love go unnoticed. I want others to get the spotlight, in that though,  I might be projecting a little...

i know obnoxious, right?

what i've learned is this - Look to Him, Look up...not in...not out.  i've learned that it is about my Lord, only his strength.  I can't wait for man's approval (though, i stumble on that pothole many times)

Listening to "Stronger" by Mandisa on my Ipod this morning, reminded me that the difficulties make us stronger.  Be thankful, even in the difficulties, which make the good times all the more sweeter!    i'm so thankful.   for the church we get to be a part of - seriously, we walk in and just are overwhelmed at how blessed we are to be in worship together.  seeing faces we know and love.  to give even when we are broke (quite often) we tithe - and EVERY TIME GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS. I know things are tight and it's hard but God provides.  i was embarrassed a couple of sundays ago when i put .85 cents in the offering basket.  why? it's what we had and God knows that.

God's provision comes in the way of peace during a day of chaos, energy to jog up a hill and stay on program when i couldn't do these things 5 months ago. his provision comes with skin and beautiful faces of women who give me courage in my small group on Tuesday nights. (thank you - Jaime, Raimee, Kim, Hailey, Em, Val & Marisa).

i remember a time when i "gracefully" fell down our stairs in our house and couldn't move for almost two weeks, actually the better part of a month.  I could use a cane to get to the bathroom.  These girls came over and cleaned, brought groceries, made dinner and prayed with me.

The girls pretending to be holding a cane - Marisa, Raimee, Jaime, Hailey, Em & Val

Or the time, our youngest was hospitalized for facial paralysis.   I was scared beyond words and feeling alone.  Bryan was out of town leading a youth retreat at Mt. Hermon.  Our pastors, Shawn and Rick,  stayed in contact with me. Rick brought a stuffed dog and candy for my baby and prayed with us.   Our friends and family came by the hospital and prayed with us.  Our parents stayed with our other two while we stayed at the hospital.

People have reached out  and given to our family so many times....I seriously could go on and on.

My point is that i'm thankful to be apart of a church. i'm thankful that i can serve and give, be a listening ear and pray and cry and hug and laugh...and sing and share and teach...I'm thankful that I can get out of the way and hear God's whispers.

I'm thankful and maybe when I'm feeling thankful its not an emotion but a choice, a choice that should be made more often for all of us - right?

When I'm thanking God for my morning jog,  Mandisa's music, our church, family, friends or His provision and this verse came to me:

"How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?" -1 Thessalonians 3:9

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