Sunday, September 2, 2012

Okay, this has been a weird week...

exercised a bit,  ate right.. and really felt on track.  I am finishing up a commissioned painting for our friends and I'm really liking it so far.

Friday, was my first meeting back at Weight Watchers, excited!  After finding out I was down 4.5 pounds - my happy dance delayed me in getting to the meeting room - no open seats,  bummer.  I was totally fine with standing though, the meetings go fast. One of the staff members encouraged me to go in and sit, I reluctantly went in.  I hate distracting people from the meeting (except for when I yell amen at church- more on that later!!!).

In all my excitement to return to a real meeting with my incredible leader, Lanette, I spilt my coffee travel mug on the newly carpeted floor.  I quickly tried to sit down in the seat, set my purse down and my coffee (that I'd been waiting to drink all morning) jumped out of the mug and burned this lady's foot!  She wasn't happy and I felt terrible.   I didn't want to make a big deal and distract from the meeting.  I tried to dab at her foot with my finger - what the ??? I don't know what that was about. She gave me like a half smile as she dug around in her purse to find a tissue...

Then this morning in church, our pastor was speaking on James chapter 3:13-18  (last week it reminded me of Smokey the Bear & fire breathing dragons).  Pastor Shawn was really giving a great sermon.  (I love when Bryan and I sit up close so I can really hear what is being said.)  He was talking about how husbands don't listen enough to their wives and how it's unwise to invalidate a spouse's feelings.  There are times when husbands do not let wives share their feelings.  This doesn't show the wisdom that comes from God.

Silence. His words penetrated the hearts of God's people and the crowd fell silent. Out of the silence my mouth yelled;


I actually wanted to just kind of say it, so my friend, Jaime, sitting next to me could hear but it came out super loud! Like when you think you have a dainty little burp after drinking Diet Coke out of the can,  and it comes out like a belch. (Like, you think to yourself that you could have said the ABC's with that one!)  That's how loud I was.

 What stuck out to me was...

1.  my tongue wasn't so tame this morning, nor did I show any kind of wisdom!
2.  my loving husband is so gracious, has the best sense of humor and is the most  handsome man ever!
3. I need wisdom.

I had never seen my pastor get that red before!  I was thankful he didn't have a quick one to throw back at me, I was already eating my words!

My prayer this week is that God will give me wisdom, seriously, I do pray that constantly.  Not an educated wisdom but a wisdom that comes from my quiet time and overflows mercy.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."  
- James 3:17-18

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