Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A simple calling

"I believe that this sense of confusion and distress among Christian women is because, by and large, we are profoundly disoriented about who God is and who we are, and about our calling and mission in life- as women." - Nancy Leigh DeMoss

a doodle tangle from my art journal 4/14/12
We are going upstream, against the norm.  
Even our closest friends are asking us how we are making our ends meet.  I think there is a tension within young families to work 24/7...to make the bills, our kids happy, take vacations and have the best house...
none of these things God calls us to. 
 We need food and shelter...even that, some would say is too much.  All of this life is of God, his direction and provision.  That's not to say I haven't thrown my share of tantrums...my husband can attest to that...I know how hard it is to let go of the comfort of money - but the peace that comes from trusting in His provision is priceless.  

If you are a working mom reading this, i know where you're at.  I understand the need to work and I totally respect that.  If you need to work, do it. God is there.  If you CAN stay home and it's a mutual decision thats cool too.  This is just what i'm processing as i stay home...it hasn't been easy. 

I'm not one of those soccer moms that do a bunch and head up the PTA.  I'm a wife of an incredible man that was made to share Jesus Christ to students.

I am fulfilling a call to be intentional with what God has given me... what he's called me to.  When i go back to that simple calling, it makes sense for me. 

My small group went through Feminine Appeal  by Carolyn Mahaney that changed my outlook on motherhood and what I'm supposed to be doing.  Not be home full time because it was easy (ha! as if!) but to serve God in a role that he has given me.  

“The challenge of ministry in our home is that we do not always feel very “spiritual” when we wash our dishes. It hardly feels significant to scrub our toilet. and we can feel that we are truly ministering when the Lord uses us to communicate a word of wisdom to someone, or He provides an opportunity to share the gospel with our neighbor. That seems like real ministry. And that is real ministry to be sure! But no more so than when we are wiping runny noses or cleaning the bathroom. That is because we have a very narrow view of true spirituality... The Lord wants to help us see the significance of ministry at home. He also wants to expand our vision for the multiple opportunities that we have for ministry in the home. Let’s ask the LORD to help us gain a biblical perspective of our ministry at home.” 
― Carolyn MahaneyFeminine Appeal

"I am convinced that no one has more potential to influence our children to receive and reflect the gospel than we do as mothers." (Page 61) -  "Feminine Appeal"

I remember going through this book when I was Director of a Medical/Counseling Center.  I was working many hours.  I felt so divided and at times, even though I knew God had called me to grow in that season of my life.   I knew that I was being called back home.  God knew I wouldn't leave easily and it was only when my hours were to be expanded that I was able to step away.

The questions that I asked myself were taken from the book:
  • Are my reasons for considering this opportunity "selfish or God-honoring?"
  • "Will pursuing this venture glorify God and honor the gospel?"
  • "Is this an undertaking that will help my husband?"
  • "Will it enhance or enrich the lives of my family?"

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  - Romans 8:28

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