Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art Journal - Fall collage

I am excited for Fall! I love this season...the warm colors, smells, and early nights.  So, I was very excited when my friend Kari asked me to do a fall color painting for her! 

  Her only request was that it be in fall colors... Yippeee!   

I bought this really cute embroidered skirt at a thrift shoppe a while back.  Recently it was son said that a rat chewed on it in the garage - I'm choosing to think that it got tangled in the dryer and tore...I didn't want to throw it away and thought it would look cool in a painting:

I decided to test this out in my art journal first...I started by clipping my page back with a black clip, then duct taping the bookfold so the pages wouldn't get too wet and pull out...

then, I used my Quick Dry  Tacky Glue to put the fabric down and used a sponge brush to spread the glue out.

Put gesso down over the fabric to seal it in and so the paint wouldn't soak through & blow dried for quicker time...

skirt fabric with gesso

I chose to put book text that has to do with grace in families into the page and hand cut leaves my note says "I pray for grace and kind words in our family".  This is a minute - by - minute prayer of ours for our marriage and our children.  So many times, we can get tired and short tempered and need the strength of our Lord to help us love one another.  It's only through his almighty strength.  

I love the colors and texture of this page.

Paints that were used:
Americana Marigold
Americana Honey Brown
Amsterdam Carmine
Amsterdam Titanium Buff Deep

I really had fun and loved the outcome of this.  I love the texture and deep colors...I'm definitely using this in my painting:)  Thanks for checking it out, I hope to hear from ya!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Completed Hope!

Got in a good workout tonight.  I'm working on a fall painting, and I finished the painting called "Hope".   I continue to be connected to it.  It was all about hope...strength, and trust...loved it.   I brought it over to my client's (My friend, Raimee) house...and she loved it.

She's also a really close friend of mine.  Her sweet spirit and love for God radiates from her.  She is such a blessing to me and it was so sweet to see the look on her face as we gave her the painting.  

I am so touched by the support in my life from those I love.  Lord knows, I love to create, the process, the prayer...all of it is so cool.

Okay,  my laptop is about to die... it has like, 11% left so I'm gonna post some pics and peace out.

Our hope is in the Lord, not ourselves. This comes out of a prayer for life. It's on wrapped framed artist canvas. Painted in acrylic and sealed. Signed by the artist.

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain" -Heb 6:19

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Phillippians 4:6-7

Musical artists that I listened to:

David Crowder Band
Jim Brickman
Fred Hammond
CeCe Winan
Hillsong United
Miles Davis
Ben Folds 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Look

Just like turns on a country road full of fall color, my blog is changing.

I like changing and moving furniture around in my house.  Those who know me well, know  I love moving stuff around.

Couches, bookshelves... boulders.... it just brings a freshness (plus, between you and me, I am able to find the huge balls of dog fur and popsicle sticks under the couch).

So, it's only natural for me to go switching this design around.  I tried to keep the title in the same font.

The cool thing about this layout is that those of you viewing it on your phones, should be able to see it better and navigate through the posts better.

I've also made it so you DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER to leave a comment - so those of you having difficulty should find it easier now.

Sooo, now you have no excuses!

I want to hear from you - please, follow my posts and leave a note below!! :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


"Try and do the best you can
Hold on and let Him hold your hand
And go on and fall into the arms of Jesus
Oh, lift your head it's gonna end
God's right there...
In time it's gonna get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger"

As I'm jogging uphill some thoughts came to me.

I love that eating better and this, this jog, will make me stronger.   Having a church has made me occurred to me that church isn't about the music, the building and the classrooms or the curriculum - all those are great and need to be in place but i love that we can just come.  theres no judgement or cliques. no certain bible studies you have to finish before being in leadership or be heard. we just are ourselves. flawed in our flesh and redeemed by a creator that is bigger than our egos or agendas.

During this morning walk/jog God's goodness and faithfulness hit me - now theres alot to complain about on my walk,  our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks just like a two-lane road and rocks. theres some streets with sidewalks in the newer developments but for a good while I'm walking on rocks and it's uneven.

 not comfortable or what Im used to. I'm afraid I might fall into the road and be struck by an  oncoming vehicle -ouch.  All the while i'm looking down at the ground.  Then I look up - and see a mama deer and her little one right in front of me!  As I stop to let them walk by, I see the sun shining through the trees,  the flowers and a hummingbird.

God is taking me through it.  It's not easy but He's always there, reminding me in his creation that he loves me, chose me, redeemed me.  This journey is not own,  my life is his story.  It's all His.

I don't expect a pat on the back or recognition.  In fact, it's a little uncomfortable for me now, 10 years ago, id be like - YES! Mel is here! See what I've done!!  Yes, there's times still where I'm like, "hey! wait a minute...what are we chopped liver?!"  I can't stand it when those I love go unnoticed. I want others to get the spotlight, in that though,  I might be projecting a little...

i know obnoxious, right?

what i've learned is this - Look to Him, Look up...not in...not out.  i've learned that it is about my Lord, only his strength.  I can't wait for man's approval (though, i stumble on that pothole many times)

Listening to "Stronger" by Mandisa on my Ipod this morning, reminded me that the difficulties make us stronger.  Be thankful, even in the difficulties, which make the good times all the more sweeter!    i'm so thankful.   for the church we get to be a part of - seriously, we walk in and just are overwhelmed at how blessed we are to be in worship together.  seeing faces we know and love.  to give even when we are broke (quite often) we tithe - and EVERY TIME GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS. I know things are tight and it's hard but God provides.  i was embarrassed a couple of sundays ago when i put .85 cents in the offering basket.  why? it's what we had and God knows that.

God's provision comes in the way of peace during a day of chaos, energy to jog up a hill and stay on program when i couldn't do these things 5 months ago. his provision comes with skin and beautiful faces of women who give me courage in my small group on Tuesday nights. (thank you - Jaime, Raimee, Kim, Hailey, Em, Val & Marisa).

i remember a time when i "gracefully" fell down our stairs in our house and couldn't move for almost two weeks, actually the better part of a month.  I could use a cane to get to the bathroom.  These girls came over and cleaned, brought groceries, made dinner and prayed with me.

The girls pretending to be holding a cane - Marisa, Raimee, Jaime, Hailey, Em & Val

Or the time, our youngest was hospitalized for facial paralysis.   I was scared beyond words and feeling alone.  Bryan was out of town leading a youth retreat at Mt. Hermon.  Our pastors, Shawn and Rick,  stayed in contact with me. Rick brought a stuffed dog and candy for my baby and prayed with us.   Our friends and family came by the hospital and prayed with us.  Our parents stayed with our other two while we stayed at the hospital.

People have reached out  and given to our family so many times....I seriously could go on and on.

My point is that i'm thankful to be apart of a church. i'm thankful that i can serve and give, be a listening ear and pray and cry and hug and laugh...and sing and share and teach...I'm thankful that I can get out of the way and hear God's whispers.

I'm thankful and maybe when I'm feeling thankful its not an emotion but a choice, a choice that should be made more often for all of us - right?

When I'm thanking God for my morning jog,  Mandisa's music, our church, family, friends or His provision and this verse came to me:

"How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?" -1 Thessalonians 3:9

Monday, September 10, 2012

Still ahead

I'm frustrated at myself today.

I need some conflict resolution for me, myself and I. They aren't getting along.

Right now, at this moment, I'm annoyed that I didn't leave my Bible by my bed - which is currently where I'm writing while the kids watch a show.

Okay, the positives are: I walked/jogged 2 miles this morning, spent time with my Love while our youngest slept like an angel (she NEVER naps), straightened up the house, stayed on program (Weight Watchers) and helped get homework done (although, I totally forgot how to round to the nearest hundred - QUICK! What is 6,323 rounded to the nearest hundred?)

...I just keep kicking myself for over-doing it on my painting. I love color! I love blending and dripping. It's so fun to watch them do a dance down the canvas. We have the sweetest friends and when I get to do a painting for them, I just can't let the canvas go - I want it to be perfect! I'm almost finished, I know it's close...

so when I saw this , it totally encouraged me.

LOVE THAT! It applies to so much right now! I hope it encourages you today!

I wanted to share with you a song thats totally keeping me going these days "Waiting for Tomorrow by Mandisa - I love it!  The part in the song that inspires me is:

Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made me for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better

Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow

Oh, I'm makin this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reachin down to save me You saved me
And I'm makin this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reachin down to save me You saved me

I'm so thankful that everyday is a day to start over!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A simple calling

"I believe that this sense of confusion and distress among Christian women is because, by and large, we are profoundly disoriented about who God is and who we are, and about our calling and mission in life- as women." - Nancy Leigh DeMoss

a doodle tangle from my art journal 4/14/12
We are going upstream, against the norm.  
Even our closest friends are asking us how we are making our ends meet.  I think there is a tension within young families to work 24/ make the bills, our kids happy, take vacations and have the best house...
none of these things God calls us to. 
 We need food and shelter...even that, some would say is too much.  All of this life is of God, his direction and provision.  That's not to say I haven't thrown my share of husband can attest to that...I know how hard it is to let go of the comfort of money - but the peace that comes from trusting in His provision is priceless.  

If you are a working mom reading this, i know where you're at.  I understand the need to work and I totally respect that.  If you need to work, do it. God is there.  If you CAN stay home and it's a mutual decision thats cool too.  This is just what i'm processing as i stay hasn't been easy. 

I'm not one of those soccer moms that do a bunch and head up the PTA.  I'm a wife of an incredible man that was made to share Jesus Christ to students.

I am fulfilling a call to be intentional with what God has given me... what he's called me to.  When i go back to that simple calling, it makes sense for me. 

My small group went through Feminine Appeal  by Carolyn Mahaney that changed my outlook on motherhood and what I'm supposed to be doing.  Not be home full time because it was easy (ha! as if!) but to serve God in a role that he has given me.  

“The challenge of ministry in our home is that we do not always feel very “spiritual” when we wash our dishes. It hardly feels significant to scrub our toilet. and we can feel that we are truly ministering when the Lord uses us to communicate a word of wisdom to someone, or He provides an opportunity to share the gospel with our neighbor. That seems like real ministry. And that is real ministry to be sure! But no more so than when we are wiping runny noses or cleaning the bathroom. That is because we have a very narrow view of true spirituality... The Lord wants to help us see the significance of ministry at home. He also wants to expand our vision for the multiple opportunities that we have for ministry in the home. Let’s ask the LORD to help us gain a biblical perspective of our ministry at home.” 
― Carolyn MahaneyFeminine Appeal

"I am convinced that no one has more potential to influence our children to receive and reflect the gospel than we do as mothers." (Page 61) -  "Feminine Appeal"

I remember going through this book when I was Director of a Medical/Counseling Center.  I was working many hours.  I felt so divided and at times, even though I knew God had called me to grow in that season of my life.   I knew that I was being called back home.  God knew I wouldn't leave easily and it was only when my hours were to be expanded that I was able to step away.

The questions that I asked myself were taken from the book:
  • Are my reasons for considering this opportunity "selfish or God-honoring?"
  • "Will pursuing this venture glorify God and honor the gospel?"
  • "Is this an undertaking that will help my husband?"
  • "Will it enhance or enrich the lives of my family?"

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  - Romans 8:28

Monday, September 3, 2012

Where are you from??

I don't know what's more exciting - to see that you are enjoying my writing and I am getting so many views OR where you all are from!!.

 I'm so thankful to have friends! So many sweet friends and family here in the states as well as around the world!!  It blows my mind how we are able to stay in touch - it makes the world so small at times! 

This is so cool, get this...

So far my friends from far away are reading! I thought it would be fun to put some pictures:



Source: via Jessica on Pinterest



Source: via Rowan on Pinterest


Germany (awe! Cute puppy - Hey! It's a GERMAN shepherd!)

Source: via Lynne on Pinterest

I love it!

Where are YOU?  leave me a comment below and let me know !

 Thank you for reading this wacky girl's ramblings - it's so fun!

 God bless you :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Okay, this has been a weird week...

exercised a bit,  ate right.. and really felt on track.  I am finishing up a commissioned painting for our friends and I'm really liking it so far.

Friday, was my first meeting back at Weight Watchers, excited!  After finding out I was down 4.5 pounds - my happy dance delayed me in getting to the meeting room - no open seats,  bummer.  I was totally fine with standing though, the meetings go fast. One of the staff members encouraged me to go in and sit, I reluctantly went in.  I hate distracting people from the meeting (except for when I yell amen at church- more on that later!!!).

In all my excitement to return to a real meeting with my incredible leader, Lanette, I spilt my coffee travel mug on the newly carpeted floor.  I quickly tried to sit down in the seat, set my purse down and my coffee (that I'd been waiting to drink all morning) jumped out of the mug and burned this lady's foot!  She wasn't happy and I felt terrible.   I didn't want to make a big deal and distract from the meeting.  I tried to dab at her foot with my finger - what the ??? I don't know what that was about. She gave me like a half smile as she dug around in her purse to find a tissue...

Then this morning in church, our pastor was speaking on James chapter 3:13-18  (last week it reminded me of Smokey the Bear & fire breathing dragons).  Pastor Shawn was really giving a great sermon.  (I love when Bryan and I sit up close so I can really hear what is being said.)  He was talking about how husbands don't listen enough to their wives and how it's unwise to invalidate a spouse's feelings.  There are times when husbands do not let wives share their feelings.  This doesn't show the wisdom that comes from God.

Silence. His words penetrated the hearts of God's people and the crowd fell silent. Out of the silence my mouth yelled;


I actually wanted to just kind of say it, so my friend, Jaime, sitting next to me could hear but it came out super loud! Like when you think you have a dainty little burp after drinking Diet Coke out of the can,  and it comes out like a belch. (Like, you think to yourself that you could have said the ABC's with that one!)  That's how loud I was.

 What stuck out to me was...

1.  my tongue wasn't so tame this morning, nor did I show any kind of wisdom!
2.  my loving husband is so gracious, has the best sense of humor and is the most  handsome man ever!
3. I need wisdom.

I had never seen my pastor get that red before!  I was thankful he didn't have a quick one to throw back at me, I was already eating my words!

My prayer this week is that God will give me wisdom, seriously, I do pray that constantly.  Not an educated wisdom but a wisdom that comes from my quiet time and overflows mercy.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."  
- James 3:17-18