Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wild turkeys and deer poop

"Cast your cares on the LORD and HE will sustain you" -Psalm 55:22, NIV



I lose count how many times my Husband and I tell  the kids to be careful during the day. Especially today, my oldest was riding her bike "super fast" as she likes to call it. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out "be cautious - don't be daring!" 

Uh, that is not what I wanted to say...

I quickly followed up with "well...take chances, but be careful!...I don't want you to get hurt!" 

Why? What am I afraid of?

I'm so afraid my kids will get hurt.  So many things could hurt them; bumble bees, honey bees, yellow jackets... fast cars, sticks, public toilets, germs, wild turkeys, playing with deer poop.

Seriously, I know you worry too!

My babies are so tender and sweet, free of the cares of this world.  They still play together and give hugs.  They believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.  They think that Naboo is a real planet.  They also know Jesus and that he saves, that he came as a baby and died for our sins...

Yet, I worry.

 I worry that they'll see things that will ruin their innocence, or give them nightmares.  I worry theyre going to get angry at each other and injure themselves and be hateful towards one another.  Then their childhood memories will be forever ruined, then they'll call each other names like "Stupid dummy"!!

Okay, maybe I'm getting away with myself, but can't we all find ourselves doing this?

 The reality is that this may or may not happen.  I may be totally grey when I'm like, 40,  and grow a tail...who knows?

God does.

So, He calls me. Not loudly,  a whisper...and I am driven to pray.  Pray for my children and our family, pray for my focus, pray that God will show me what HIS will is for them.

 I know God loves our dear ones.  He knows them better then I ever could.

 Calm.  My heart is stilled.

He wants all those worries, he always takes them.  I don't have to bite my nails or pull my hair out.  I don't need to yell like a frazzled mom in the middle of Walmart (and that's good cause we don't shop there...ok, well only on-line).

 I cast my cares on God, on my Lord, my best friend, knowing that He WILL sustain me.

 I pray that you, dear reader, child of the Living God,  know that the Creator of the Universe wants to take your cares, HE loves you yesterday, today and tomorrow.  

If you are picking and biting your fingers with worry, open your hands and lift your cares up to Him right now.

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