Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jumping in....

I think about back when I was young and scared.

Scared to rise above the normal...scared to succeed.

It's easier to underachieve because there's no expectations on the person who always disappoints.

The one who I was disappointing was myself.

God had called me to be more than I could imagine and yet for some reason I felt safer on the sidelines.

This especially hit me when we all went over to my friend Jaime's pool. My two older ones and my husband were totally having a blast in the water. I sat on the side of the pool with our little one...she's going on five...she's bold and daring....yet, for some reason she did not want to get in the pool with mommy. I even had a princess Dora kick-board she could swim with! I told her, she was safe...I'm her mommy for pete's sakes! I'm not going to scare you, I will just hold you! Yet, my sweet one stayed outside the refreshing water, scared.

I want so much more out of this life but when I am faced with a chance to succeed, I get scared. I don't want to jump into the pool.

This time is different.

I know God has called me to this, to be intentional.  This adventure is about HIM not me. I'm not looking at myself but seeking my Heavenly Father. I can't fail on this journey.

I may trip, I may be a little too cautious and miss a chance to grow...but in that, I am growing!

Every day is a learning opportunity, a chance to grow and walk in God's love. His will for us, as his children saved by grace, is to just seek him.

So, I'm jumping in,...knowing that He will hold me and catch me. He has never let me go-that just amazes me. Thats what inspires me today and drives me to lift my hands and paint.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  -Isaiah 41:10


Anonymous said...

Well said Mel!

Unknown said...

Thanks Gretchen!