Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Store of Confusion & Swirling Lies

Today, I went to my favorite art supply store; I love the selection and helpful staff.'s overwhelming.

Isn't it funny how we love selection when we're shopping? I don't know about you, but I get overwhelmed by all the choices.  Like, i'm glad that they have all of the stuff in there but simpler would be nice...less words more pictures...or scratch and, no that's weird...wouldn't work.  The hard part is the choosing, and being confident in that choice...

I feel like i've been gifted in a talent that i'm not qualified for...all these artists out there, that i admire and have inspired me, like Flora Bowley,  Donna Downey,  and  Christy Tomlinson.  They all are so much more gifted and definately educated than i am.

I know what my mom would tell me...if fact, she's probably saying it now as she's reading this. "Melanie, you are so beautiful and God has given you a gift!"

Then my Grandma chimes in "She's right! You are a gifted artist! You can do what they are doing!" and she asks me if I'm hungry and I have some mashed potatoes with corn in the middle of the pile of yumminess.  Golden Girls comes on, so we watch while she puts my hair in curlers...

Okay, where was I?

Uh, oh, yep, the store of confusion and swirling lies...the lies are telling me that I'm not good enough, I'm fooling myself, I'm not talented...on and on.

So, I drove home with my windows down, wind blowing all the trash around in the car reminding me of how much we need to clean the car out....and...i realize that I'm not an artist, my work isn't in a gallery,  i don't have fancy prints with a fancy french name of my art.....i haven't been to Bali or had a tv show or been to that burning desert thing. (though all those things are really cool and I'd like to do someday).

I am just a stay at home mother who received a calling...

A mother of three children that inspire me to dream and live out loud.

I am wife of a man who is constantly cheering me on and making incredible cups of coffee for me, who listens without fixing.

I am a daughter of parents who believe in me and are proud of this timid little girl.

I am a lead worshiper to a God is that is almighty, ever consuming, overwhelming with love and who has always cheered me on, who's never given up on me, who smiles when i paint and knows HE has given me such a precious gift.

A gift that was given to me, uniquely.  Not in wealth,  not in power or super-hero intelligence, elequent words...but an eternal that will never fade or go out of style.  His Spirit at work within me, ready to create.

"For you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful." 
-Psalm 139:13-14

I'm a mommy whose kids think an amazing artist and see my faith being lived out.

I'm not just anybody, I am created and intentionally made for a purpose to create! 

So, I wanted to show you what came out of this morning....

This is a recent painting commission that I'm working on for some dear friends of ours :-)

I picked up some new Amsterdam Acrylic paint (Titanium white & Buff Deep, Permanent Red Purple, Carmine & Liquitex Gesso 

I really like Amsterdam's texture and Liquitex :)

my blowdryer and rags -I'm messy :-)

Now i am off to have some ice cream with my Love. 
I hope you have a wonderful night!!
Happy Wednesday!


Ad Man said...

Wow. You are an artist and you can write your own heart out amazingly too. Praise God.

Unknown said...

Thank you Ad Man, thanks for reading :)