Monday, September 30, 2013

Falling inspirations

Just like the leaves on the trees, this last month has been full of beautiful changes - 

Here's some thoughts that have popped in my head as I'm on this artistic journey...

- Let go of negativity and step back from anything that causes me to doubt God or myself.
- I'm clearing out the mental clutter that gets in the way of creativity. 
- No more pleasing people, I'm sick of trying to make everyone happy. 
- As in layering my painting, I'm taking one step at a time not getting overwhelmed at all the different stuff in front of me. I'm just doing one thing until it's done and then I will move on.
- I am NOT focusing  on my weaknesses.  I used to think that if I saw my flaws, I wouldn't be surprised when someone else pointed it out.   

Life is too short and moving way to fast to focus on negative things of life.  This journey is a blessing and a gift!  

If you would like to see my latest commissions click here.  

Check out my updated website here!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy September!

New exciting things are happening!

- our kids are back in school.  All three this year! 4th, 2nd and Kindergarten.  I won't lie, I cried when I got home to the quiet house with my husband.  It took me a couple days to adjust but it's been good to have some creative time back! The kids love school and I'm loving my quiet time of prayer, coffee and painting.

- My website  is finally up!  Go check it out and share it!

-I am currently working on a commission.  You can see below that  I'm still in process with it:)

-  Prints of my work are now available on a site called Fine Art America.  You can go to the site and order any size prints, cards, canvas prints and more .  It's really easy and it ships right to you!  

Now, as far as the site goes, it's a work in progress.  (Just like my art and everything else in life!).  There's a lot more that i want to do with it, but its better than it was- thanks to my brother in law, Shawn :). 

I've added my past work, there's a link to my blog and etsy page.  There will be posts on upcoming shows and workshops.

  I hope that creating this site gives you a better way to see my work and show your friends:). Thanks!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring has sprung!

Happy Spring!

Our baby girl turned five on the first day of Spring!  We can't believe how time is flying! She is such a tenacious little girl full of spunk, compassion and a heart to serve!  She is so excited to start school in August!

I'm good with it, seriously...I made a comitment to the Lord that I WILL rejoice with my children on the milestones in their lives.  I will thank God that He has allowed me to be their mommy another year in their life.  So, we invited our girl's closest friends for a "Fairy Tea Birthday Party".  Oh My!  The sweetest little fairies came all dressed up and ready to celebrate!

I LOVE this time of year.  Fresh rain and wet dirt smell so good!  God's mercies are new every morning and I especially see it when new life is sprouting and giving us hope!  I'm so grateful for my life and God's provision.  Right now, I'm watching a hummingbird dance around a salvia bush in my backyard.   So cool :)

God loves us so much.  I pray you know that, if not, message me on how I can pray for you.

 Stuff that's happening:

  •  I've been working outside the home.  A friend of mine asked if I needed some extra money - Um, yes?! She asked if I could take on some projects around her house organizing, so God totally provided....not by sitting around waiting, but stepping it up and being ready.  God provides in different ways that we may not see if we're not seeking His word and praying.  Also, I'll be working at "The Gap" part time.  
  •   I'm current working on two paintings for my wonderful clients :)  
  •   We continue to pray for a venue to show my paintings. (would love your prayers and input!)
Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

new year!

Happy 2013!

I got all my hairs cut! It feels so much better:)

Are you ready for the new year?

I can honestly say I am anxious for what this new year is going to bring and not quite ready.  I'm holding onto God in full confidence that HE knows our future and it's all good!  Lot's of exciting news for our family!

We have a beautiful little newborn girl in our family, I am so proud to be an auntie again!   I love newborns, they are so little and perfect.  It's not always easy to see that as a new mom, but looking back, it is a special time for a woman :)  I love a newborn baby smell!  I cannot wait to hold her in my arms! She was born, yesterday and we are going to see her on Wednesday evening.  I'm so excited!!

So, the kids are back in school and the schedule is back to normal.  I miss them at home, but it feels good to catch my breath! Whew!

I've started a new painting and it's been very cool to stretch out on a bigger canvas! Pics to come ;)

I'm not really a fan of resolutions but I have goals for 2013 - maybe it's just symantics but the word "resolution" just doesn't help me....

This year as an artist, I hope to:

  • have an art show
  • start Kickstarter and get all of you involved in the process - I'm a little scared but it's a good scared, like getting ready to go on a roller-coaster!
  • sell more prints and pendants (with my art inside of glass) on Etsy
  • Lead more workshops
  • get involved in Alamo Danville Artists