Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thank you all!!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Hi There! Hope you're all having a wonderful day!  It's so beautiful outside with big poofy clouds and the crisp fall weather.  

Thank you for reading this, seriously.  For your support in my store on Etsy,  for liking my facebook page.   My number of followers are growing and I'm so humbled.

Seeking to learn more of what it is to be an artist and creating inspiring art has been so gratifying (and stretching)!   This has been a HUGE step of faith for me (and our family). 

 We are trusting minute by minute in God's calling.  I know God has called me to be an artist and be home with our children.  Daily, God is confirming that for us.  One of the ways He is showing us is through your support.

I'm so thankful for you.

this just made me smile! 

I really love hearing from you! I know some of you are shy and haven't commented, but I love it when you do!   Lord only knows the encouragement that gives me (well, maybe my husband too)!

My sole purpose is to bring glory to God.  He brought me here, as a result, I create to praise our Lord, its a part of my worship.  However, hearing from you blesses me as well!  Creating and putting my art out there has been very challenging - and leaves me in a vulnerable position.  Putting a price on my art is probably THE hardest thing to do - I don't have another job, this is it. When God brings someone to me that's interested in one of my paintings,  wants me to do a personal painting from their ideas or a portrait of a loved one, I thank God.   It's all from HIM.  It's so amazing and pays our bills! :)

I am so thankful for you - dear friend, for your encouraging words.  It has meant the world to me.

I want to offer you a little coupon for your support!

Come and stop by the Cup O' Jo Coffee House in Downtown Clayton

on Main Street in Downtown Clayton

Take a look at the paintings.  There's still five up.  I had the opportunity to donate one to raise funds to pay for a young girl's heart & lung transplant.  You can find out more about it here.

I will give you 10% off of the price of one of my paintings of your choice!  (If you're outta town, let's work something out)

For more details send me a note :)

You can reach me at message me on facebook or you can go to my store on the Etsy website.

Thanks!  Have a fun day! :)

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