Thursday, October 25, 2012



Children abandoned in Vizag, India

I love when I get the opportunity to bless someone with my art...but over 100 children? 

I am so honored and excited  to share with you that "Shine"  was purchased at a Charity Auction in an effort to raise funds for a group that is going to serve in an orphanage of over 100 children through Children of Faith Missions in Vizag, India.  This Christian organization is working to supply these children with opportunities to develop life-skills they need to become productive and independent adults.

"Shine" 16 x 20  Acrylic on stretched canvas  2012 

"We love your painting! Great addition to our home art collection."   
 - Cindy and Mark, Walnut Creek,  Ca

Thank you to my friend, Mary for allowing me to serve God through my art and also a thank you to Cindy and Mark for purchasing the painting.


I'm not finished, but I wanted to show ya'll what I'm working on:)

"Shine" is one of two paintings that I'm currently working on.  I started it early in September when I was thinking on how blessed we are to have the Holy Spirit,  God's light and counselor, shining through us!  

There are nights where I can't sleep because I'm so excited for what God is doing in my life.  

As a result of His love, I want to shine, I want to create and encourage those around me. 

David Crowder says it so sweetly  in his song "SMS [Shine]".   I have no idea what the title means... cryptic.   So, I found this article from the website sbc Impact to be really helpful and totally applies to what this painting is about (so cool when God does that!)...
SMS [Shine] bears a strange title. Shine is easy enough to decipher since it is drawn from the chorus. SMS is a little more mysterious. SMS stands for Short Messaging Service and is more commonly known as text messaging. This makes sense because the song does consist of short statements and plays out as a prayer to God from someone who is seeking Him. Yet a more complete understanding of the title is that it is taken from the first few words of the song: Send Me a Sign.
The first verse and chorus echoes many of the personal psalms of David pleading with God for support. Just as Psalm 86:17 begins, “Show me a sign of your favor…,” this song begins asking God for a sign, no matter how subtle, of God’s presence.

Hope that helps you understand the song better...did for me :) 

Take a moment to watch the music video below for the song SMS [Shine].  (totally reminds me of being a kid - you'll see why).

Starting out the canvas with Quinacridone Magenta & Ptalocyanine blue

I drew (doodled) over the dried paint with vine charcoal.  I originally drew images that came to me. Then sealed in the charcoal with  MINWAX Water-Based Polycrylic spray  before adding more layers.

"Shine" 11 x 14 Acrylic, Charcoal on Canvas

On the left is the sun over the world.  The dove on the right is flying over darkness with drops of light coming out.  In the middle of the painting is a waterfall of God's love.  I will post again when I've finished.

Please let me know your thoughts! 

Thanks for looking! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thank you all!!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Hi There! Hope you're all having a wonderful day!  It's so beautiful outside with big poofy clouds and the crisp fall weather.  

Thank you for reading this, seriously.  For your support in my store on Etsy,  for liking my facebook page.   My number of followers are growing and I'm so humbled.

Seeking to learn more of what it is to be an artist and creating inspiring art has been so gratifying (and stretching)!   This has been a HUGE step of faith for me (and our family). 

 We are trusting minute by minute in God's calling.  I know God has called me to be an artist and be home with our children.  Daily, God is confirming that for us.  One of the ways He is showing us is through your support.

I'm so thankful for you.

this just made me smile! 

I really love hearing from you! I know some of you are shy and haven't commented, but I love it when you do!   Lord only knows the encouragement that gives me (well, maybe my husband too)!

My sole purpose is to bring glory to God.  He brought me here, as a result, I create to praise our Lord, its a part of my worship.  However, hearing from you blesses me as well!  Creating and putting my art out there has been very challenging - and leaves me in a vulnerable position.  Putting a price on my art is probably THE hardest thing to do - I don't have another job, this is it. When God brings someone to me that's interested in one of my paintings,  wants me to do a personal painting from their ideas or a portrait of a loved one, I thank God.   It's all from HIM.  It's so amazing and pays our bills! :)

I am so thankful for you - dear friend, for your encouraging words.  It has meant the world to me.

I want to offer you a little coupon for your support!

Come and stop by the Cup O' Jo Coffee House in Downtown Clayton

on Main Street in Downtown Clayton

Take a look at the paintings.  There's still five up.  I had the opportunity to donate one to raise funds to pay for a young girl's heart & lung transplant.  You can find out more about it here.

I will give you 10% off of the price of one of my paintings of your choice!  (If you're outta town, let's work something out)

For more details send me a note :)

You can reach me at message me on facebook or you can go to my store on the Etsy website.

Thanks!  Have a fun day! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Letting go


Yep, I'm 37 years's a good thing :)

Lately, though, like within the past couple of years, birthdays have been different for me.

Not so party-ish...(although, that's fun too!)

This year it was contemplative.

Letting go of the unhealthy and walking in the new.

For me, letting go isn't easy...

  • Letting go of my career as a director of a pregnancy center...
  • Letting go of being understood - it's okay you don't need to know :)
  • Letting go of the desire to always have a clean house... (a daily struggle)
  • Letting go of HGTV and Satellite television.... (harder than it sounds

 Letting go allowed me to see what God has done:

  • allowed me to stay home full time which has opened up my ability to paint and create.
  • God has brought me to a place of trusting him to defend me, no longer worrying about others.  He will take care of those I love and deal with the ones that are difficult.
  • He has grown a pure and simple hunger for His word in me and as a result I am not relying on food - He is my strength.
  • I have energy and a renewed hope.
  • I have been eating so well and enjoy exercising and jogging again!

And yet.... i am sad because of the bitterness that was revealed, that has taken root.

I didn't even know it was there!

Like, when there's like a little piece of spinach in your that.

Just frustration over life stuff, you know, the stuff that is in the way back of the closet and just sits back there like and an old dusty High School Yearbook.  Stuff that I have NO control over and should let go of.  Yet, I let envy and anger just eat at me.

Then the tears came.


I want to be so much more than this, what God has created me to be.

I love what Sarah Young writes in Jesus Calling...

"To live in My Presence consistently, you must expose and expel your rebellious tendencies.  When something interferes with your plans or desires , you tend to resent the interference.  Try to become aware of each resentment, however petty it may seem. Don't push those unpleasant feelings down; instead let them come to the surface so you can deal with them.  Ask my Spirit to increase your aware of resentful feelings.   Bring them boldly into the Light of my Presence, so that I can free you from them."

The tears came harder.

"Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good"   (1 Peter 2:1-3)

I want to let go of this junk thats weighing me down.

I'm thankful for where God has taken me and the healing he has brought...and yet, there's still the mourning of what isn't there, of what I have not yet attained.  In my timing.  My agenda.

My, my, my.


Who am I?

 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God;  once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."   (1 Peter 2: 9-10)

It is a daily process of handing it over.

Being proactive in my time with God.

I cannot sit by and be a victim, I must go to Him.

I submit to God's word and prayer gives me strength. His authority in my life.

He has never let me down, He's always been there, always.
I'm grateful for what He has given me and I praise Him.  All good things in my life - my husband,  our family,  friends,  health,  my art - are gifts from God.

More tears...this time happy ones :)

It's all in His strength and not my own.

I'm stepping out now in faith that God will meet me and trusting those He's put in my life for accountability, for counsel, for truth...

And as much another birthday reminds me  of how far I have to go... I am learning that letting go and losing can be a great thing.

Just ask my scale. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Reaching Always Reaching

Happy Monday! 

On my jog this morning, I played this song over and over - I l.o.v.e. this song and the lyrics:

Baptize my Mind
Reaching always reaching
Never reaching solid ground
Seeking always seeking
Never seeking what I've found

Hey, baptize my mind
Hey, baptize my eyes
Hey, baptize my mind
For these seeds to give birth to life
First it must die

Both my hands are filled with guilt
(Be my absolution)
Oh with my eyes are blind with filth
(Be my absolution, absolution)

Hey, baptize my mind
Hey, baptize my eyes
Hey, baptize my mind
For these seeds to give birth to life
First they must die

Hey, baptize my mind
Hey, baptize my eyes
Hey, baptize my mind
For these seeds to give birth to life
First they must die

I had a long Sunday morning at church.  Our small group was up front sharing in the first hour-so the kids and I went early.  Bryan teaches the first hour in church so I usually sit with him for the second hour of worship.  Which meant that I got to hear the sermon twice.  I don't mind that though, more chances for God's word to smack me around and sink into my hard heart.  

Pastor Shawn talked about Saul's conversion...he knew the law and hated Christians.  He was "full throttle" for what he thought was the right thing to do.  What I realized is that I have been like Saul in that I've lived my life trying to measure up, trying to please God with my actions.   I've thought if I knew scripture better, I would grow more and thus LOOK like a stronger Christian.  

 It's not about my actions or my faith.  We have are shielded by God's power and He has called us to Him - simply worship in His presence.  I love the reassurance of knowing that what I have in our Lord will never fade out.  

In his great mercy(N) he has given us new birth(O) into a living hope(P) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,(Q) and into an inheritance(R) that can never perish, spoil or fade.(S) This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,(T)who through faith are shielded by God’s power(U) until the coming of the salvation(V) that is ready to be revealed(W) in the last time." 1 Peter 1:3-5

As I was out this morning I was reminded of how many times I go back to my own own own strength.  Lord knows how crazy my thoughts are.  Seriously all over the place!  He knows I think about Him too... I don't always have time to spend reading the Bible.  He made me, He understands that right?


He DOES understand me; but in understanding the true me, He also knows that I NEED HIM.  Even when I think I don't.  I am not DOING the right thing or being "good".  That's all the more reason to come to him - Doubt and all.   It's about transformation in Him, not my works or my strength.  

Just trusting.   Even when I can't see or understand.  He is still there. I am still with Him.  Reading his word reminds me of that.

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

The little while to me says a LIFETIME.  It's a lifetime of struggle and misunderstandings...we live in a flawed world.  

Just like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football that Lucy is holding...we can't put our trust in others or in this world. 

We have a HOPE though! There's more than this life! 

Just recently I realized that the Israelites in the Old Testament is about you and me.  I've always looked at them as history and not as smart as me ;) Like, oh, they had to make those silly choices cause they were in a dirty desert and had to ride on stinky camels and stuff... bunch of whiners.

But what hit me was that this life, now, right now, is like what they went through...the desert, trusting in Moses and God...we go through the same things.  Don't we?  Many times, I don't realize it until I've spend time in prayer, reading my Bible and with my small group.

I want God to baptize my mind - I want to go "full throttle" for Jesus.  In order for this to take place in our lives, we must let the other stuff that pulls us away from our Lord go. All those things must die.

Hang in there, trust in the One who made you, He will never fail you.

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay…(see Habakkuk 2:3,4).”