Monday, September 30, 2013

Falling inspirations

Just like the leaves on the trees, this last month has been full of beautiful changes - 

Here's some thoughts that have popped in my head as I'm on this artistic journey...

- Let go of negativity and step back from anything that causes me to doubt God or myself.
- I'm clearing out the mental clutter that gets in the way of creativity. 
- No more pleasing people, I'm sick of trying to make everyone happy. 
- As in layering my painting, I'm taking one step at a time not getting overwhelmed at all the different stuff in front of me. I'm just doing one thing until it's done and then I will move on.
- I am NOT focusing  on my weaknesses.  I used to think that if I saw my flaws, I wouldn't be surprised when someone else pointed it out.   

Life is too short and moving way to fast to focus on negative things of life.  This journey is a blessing and a gift!  

If you would like to see my latest commissions click here.  

Check out my updated website here!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy September!

New exciting things are happening!

- our kids are back in school.  All three this year! 4th, 2nd and Kindergarten.  I won't lie, I cried when I got home to the quiet house with my husband.  It took me a couple days to adjust but it's been good to have some creative time back! The kids love school and I'm loving my quiet time of prayer, coffee and painting.

- My website  is finally up!  Go check it out and share it!

-I am currently working on a commission.  You can see below that  I'm still in process with it:)

-  Prints of my work are now available on a site called Fine Art America.  You can go to the site and order any size prints, cards, canvas prints and more .  It's really easy and it ships right to you!  

Now, as far as the site goes, it's a work in progress.  (Just like my art and everything else in life!).  There's a lot more that i want to do with it, but its better than it was- thanks to my brother in law, Shawn :). 

I've added my past work, there's a link to my blog and etsy page.  There will be posts on upcoming shows and workshops.

  I hope that creating this site gives you a better way to see my work and show your friends:). Thanks!